Friday, October 05, 2007

So, I'm vaguely remember, at some point, that Dan Savage said something that made me mad. Right now, I love him far too much to care:

Now this is a fake letter.

About half of the fake[ letters] I get follow ADAM's script: Man walks in, discovers his wife/girlfriend/sister getting it on with a dog. Usually it's peanut butter all over her crotch, so give ADAM a tenth of a point for creativity.

What if ADAM's letter didn't include that tired old story about a dog eating pussy—would we still be able to tell that it's a fake? You bet.

First, there's the piling on of unnecessary details in a self-conscious effort to make the letter seem more plausible.....

Most revealing, however, is that ADAM wants us to believe his wife is in her mid-20s. Not just because it's sexier—ostensibly—to picture a nude 25-year-old woman "spread-eagled on the couch" than, say, a nude 55-year-old woman, but because this letter, like most of the fakes I get, is really about the sexual degradation of desirable women. ADAM has issues, as they say, so he ran a fictional woman through a degrading sexual scenario in a letter to me. He hoped that I would run his letter in my column and in his mind this would somehow avenge the slights he's suffered at the hands of all the women who have ever rejected him.


(via Pandagon)

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